Task 5


Materials and tools for a working group:

2 identical jars with lid, 2 thermometers, plasticine, stop watch, white and black paper (same kind, different colors only), glue

This task can be seen as the opposite of the previous task. The role of the pupils in this activity will be to investigate which jar (white or black) will cool down more quickly. This means that if both jars are placed out of the sun (eg in a shade in the classroom or in a cooler room), in which the temperature begins to drop more quickly until it becomes constant. In this case, too, pupils may notice a drop in temperature, e.g. every three minutes.

The teacher can follow up on the findings of the previous assignment, asking the pupils if they think that the temperature in the jars will also drop differently, or will fall the same or not at all. After the discussion, pupils mark their predictions in the worksheet, and the teacher discusses them with the pupils. It is noticeable whether the pupils are only guessing their answers or giving them their knowledge or experience. They will record their results and draw conclusions from them.

Pupils already know that the white container heats less than the dark one because it reflects more energy from the sun. Black surfaces absorb more energy, which at the same time emits more light compared to light.