Task 11


Materials and tools for a working group:

4 same glasses, hot water, cold water, ice

This task can follow up the previous one, or we can use it to verify the predictions, respectively the statements that the characters in the picture (dis) agree with.

Pic 61: Condensation process 1

The task will be to examine and record the formation of water vapor. Pupils draw/write what happens if the glass of warm water is covered with a second glass (both glasses should be transparent). After discussion, they will verify their predictions.

Pic 62: Condensation process 2

Further, the teacher can proceed by presenting two glasses of hot water covered by empty glasses. However, in this case, the ice cube will also act on the upper glass. They place an ice cube on one of them (approx. for 1 min). The task will be to illustrate how steam will form in each cup – whether and how the ice cube will influence the steam formation. After about 1 minute they remove the ice cube and record the findings.

The teacher discusses with pupils where this phenomenon can be observed in the nature. The discussion is directed to the hydrological cycle in nature – from water evaporation, through cloud formation to precipitation.