Task 9


Materials and tools for a working group:


In the eighth task, pupils found that the distance from which the magnet attracts the object can be partially changed (increased) by adding magnets. The following task addresses this phenomenon more generally. Teacher leads pupils to solve the research task: Could the magnet be attracted to the objects in some way to increase or decrease the distance from which the magnets attract objects?

Teacher guides pupils to a task that is aimed at determining whether magnet attraction can be influenced to increase or decrease the distance from which the magnet attracts the object? Pupils are encouraged to discuss in the group, writing the result in the worksheets in task 9. In addition to answering a given question, it is the task of the pupils to justify their answer. If the answer is positive, pupils should write a way to change the distance from which the magnet attracts them. After the discussion in the groups, the teacher invites the pupils to discuss their ideas throughout the class, paying particular attention to what pupils think about the effect of the magnet on objects through obstacles made of different materials.