Task 2


Materials and tools for a working group:

paper clips of same size

After presenting the proposed procedures, the teacher compare the proposed procedures. The goal of this task is for pupils to realize that sometimes we cause the object to move through direct contact and sometimes to act on aobject without contact – only remotely. The task of the pupils is to think about what causes the spine to move in each of the suggested procedures. Pupils put in the table in Task 2 the proposed method first and then what they think caused the movement of the clip. The table gives an example that the teacher explains to them. Shifting the clasp on the paper with the hand, the clasp moves with the hand and the movement causes the hand to move, move it. It is the power of a hand, because if we want to move a big object in the same way, it will not work, because we will not have enough power in our hand. By clarifying the teacher, the teacher gives an example to the pupils about how he expects to think about the individual procedures.

In order to avoid thinking about the same examples in all groups, either shuffle patterns will assign them or recommend that they devote themselves to those that have not been suggested by other groups. The most interesting are the situations in which we move the paper clip by means of a magnet, by gravitational force (eg by tilting the table or paper) and by air (drafts, blowing, etc.).