Task 8


Materials and tools for a working group:

jar with a lid, water

The task is aimed at observing the behaviour of water levels in the jar. The teacher will show the glasses filled in half with water and closed so that their pupils can put them in different positions without water spills. The cup of pupils sees, but it is not advisable if it is available before creating predictions. Pupils then tend to have a tendency to detect them immediately, as opposed to exploring only research. The pupils address the predictions, and the teacher asks them to draw on how they think that the water in the jar will be deposited if the glass turns as indicated in the various situations in the table. They color that part of the jar where they think they will water. The first position is the pupils drawn as an example. The teacher walks among the groups and helps the pupils create predictions to determine how pupils are thinking about the water surface. It encourages them to draw water levels exactly as they think that they will be observed when the glass is tilted.

After proposing predictions, the teacher leads the pupils to verify them. He will provide the pupils with a jar with a lid with water inside, which should be of the same shape as the pupils observe in the worksheets. It is important that the pupils draw up the result of the observations, only when the observation is developed – is targeted – aimed at verifying the marked prediction and is detailed, i.e. the pupil is kept to notice where the water level is in the jar and so in the assessment. The last column in the table will color the bulbs in those lines where they found a new fact – the prediction was not confirmed. The teacher concentrates the pupils ‚ attention to the fact that the water (level) in the glass remains in the same position against the ground, if the glass is carefully swallowed. If we turn the glass quickly, the water will spill different, but eventually the water in the glass is always in the horizontal position. In the following part of the task, the teacher leads the pupils to try their own words to explain the relationship of this observed phenomenon with the gravitational action of the Earth.