Worksheet 7.2: Plasticine balls


Teaching aids:

Sufficient plasticine of the same type is required for each group


The teacher asks the class the following question: “What other possibilities are there to let energy act on a plasticine ball?” In the class discussion, suggestions/predictions are collected and written down on the blackboard as individual hypotheses. Then the teacher encourages the students to examine the suggestions in the already existing groups.

Possible solutions:
• To push or step on the ball (conversion of: pressure → deformation energy),
• To throw the ball against a wall (conversion of: kinetic energy → deformation energy),
• To melt the plasticine (conversion of: heat → deformation energy).

All suggestions should be noted and (as far as practicable) tried out. The results are written down to the hypotheses which have been already noted and discussed in class. If possible, the suggestions that have not been tried out will also be discussed.

The aim of this task is to introduce the concept of energy conversion in a two-step approach using the example of the conversion of height energy and other forms of energy to kinetic energy.

For weaker studentsit is sufficient to observe and secure the results in order to get an impression of the developed concept. The activity offers many starting points so that even weaker pupils can participate and have fun carrying out the experiment. In summary, it is important for weaker and younger students to use and practice these steps of developing and testing hypotheses more than once, because they are an important part of a scientific research process.