Worksheet 6.1: Car ride


Teaching aids:

a “ramp“ for each group of children (for example a board that can be leaned against a chair or a table to form a ramp can be helpful), a toy car 


The students form groups (3–4 children). In addition, teacher gives the following instruction is: “Let the car roll down the ramp from different heights. How far will the car get if it starts from a low point, at the middle or on the top of the ramp? Measure and write down your results.”

You can let the students experiment with different heights for a while. In doing so, it is important, that the students note the results requested in the task below. The results are presented and discussed in the class. The main result shows that the higher the starting point is, the further the car moves. At this point, the terms height energy and kinetic energy can be introduced.