
The atmosphere is the least stable and rapidly changing part of the climate system. It consists of various gases, mainly nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), argon (0.093%), carbon dioxide (0.03%) and other noble gases such as e.g. helium or hydrogen. The proportion of gases varies at different levels in the atmosphere. Its role is to protect the Earth from incoming sunlight while helping to regulate the Earth‘s surface temperature.

In addition to these gases, solid and liquid particles (aerosols) and clouds interact with one another in the atmosphere. Aerosols enter the atmosphere from natural sources (e.g., sea salt particles, particles from soil, volcanic activity, pollen grains, etc.), or from anthropogenic sources (from human activity). In addition to cloud formation, aerosols directly affect the radiation balance, i. dispersion and absorption of sunlight (Lapin, 2004).


The most variable component of the atmosphere is water that occurs in all its states, such as steam, drops and ice crystals. Water is unevenly distributed in the atmosphere over time and space (more than 80% between tropics in the tropics and over 50% up to 1.5 km above the Earth‘s surface). Water in the atmosphere directly affects several meteorological processes, such as water. (frontal systems, cloudiness, precipitation, evapotranspiration – water vapor in the form of water vapor (usually leaves) of plants, etc.), or significantly affects them (greenhouse effect, radiation and energy balance of the Earth‘s surface, etc.). (Lapin, 2004).

Atmosphere process

More than 99% of Earth‘s energy comes from the Sun. But the earth also returns some of its energy back to space, especially as infrared radiation (see picture; picture source: https://

Pic 41: Sun energy


Solar energy falls on Earth in the form of radiation. It consists of thermal and light energy . It comes in the form of electromagnetic waves.

The sunlight that penetrates the earth‘s surface is divided into:

  • direct (insolation)
  • diffused – here, aerosols play an important role, distributing and reducing solar radiation
  • global – represents the sum of direct and diffused radiation
  • reflected (albedo) – the proportion of reflected solar radiation from the earth surface
Pic 42: Types of solar (short wave) radiation


Amount of the sun‘s energy which returns to the atmosphere affects vegetation and soil. During the day, the atmosphere is largely transmitting the shortwave sunlight that heats the Earth‘s surface.

Part of the energy returns to the atmosphere as long-wave radiation (infrared) that warms the atmosphere. Part serves to evaporate the water, either in the soil or in the leaves of the plants, thereby bringing the water back into the atmosphere. Since the evaporation of soil moisture requires energy, soil moisture has a strong influence on the surface temperature. The texture of the soil surface (its roughness) affects the atmosphere dynamically through the action of the wind. The character of the soil is determined by both topography and vegetation. The wind also carries dust from the Earth‘s surface into the atmosphere (natural aerosols) that interacts with atmospheric radiation.

When the thermal radiation hits the object surface, part of the energy is absorbed by the object, part of the energy is reflected and the part passes through. The absorbed light is converted into thermal energy. The ability to absorb the amount of light depends on the color – the darker the object, the more light it absorbs and vice versa, the lighter it is, the less light it absorbs. Therefore, during a sunny summer day, we will be warmer in black than in white. Likewise, other black objects are hot in the sun. This is because black color absorbs infrared radiation and white reflects it.

Transform energy

Energy is transformed between the Earth‘s surface and the atmosphere by conduction, convention, and radiation:

  • Conduction is the process by which energy transfer takes place between contacting particles with different temperatures. Air and water are relatively weak conductors. It occurs in solid bodies, in liquids, but also in gases. Most energy is transmitted through the earth‘s surface. At night, the Earth‘s surface cools and dissipates heat from the air. During the day, solar radiation warms the Earth‘s surface, which again affects the air temperature.

  • Convection transfers heat by moving a group of molecules from place to place in the substance. It occurs in substances such as e.g. water and air whose molecules move freely. In the atmosphere it includes rising and falling air masses and smaller air parcels. These vertical movements effectively distribute heat and moisture throughout the atmospheric column and contribute to cloud and storm development

  • Radiation is the transfer of energy without the involvement of a material substance in the transmission. Radiation can transmit heat through vacuum. Most of the solar energy is concentrated in the visible and almost visible parts of the spectrum. Shorter than visible wavelengths represent a small percentage of the total, but are extremely important because they have much higher energy. We‘re talking about ultraviolet radiation. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy associated with it.

Radiation, Convection, and Conduction

Pic 43: Energy transformation

Energy from the Sun on the Earth‘s surface:

  • influences the hydrological cycle
  • heats the atmosphere and the earth‘s surface
  • affects weather and climate by uneven heating of the Earth‘s surface
  • provides the necessary energy for photosynthetic plants
Pic 44: Energy from Sun 


The cause of the greenhouse effect is related to the accumulation of so-called greenhouse gases (also referred to as GHGs) in the atmosphere, which absorb the thermal radiation of the Earth, causing the atmosphere to heat up. In this way, a certain average air temperature in the ground layer of the Earth is stabilized (now it is about +15 °C).

Most people associate greenhouse effects with something negative. However, we also distinguish so-called natural greenhouse effect of the atmosphere, which is a 33 °C rise in the ground level of the Earth‘s atmosphere. If the natural greenhouse effect did not exist, on Earth, the temperature would be minus 18 °C (Lapin, 2004).

The most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water vapor. The decisive factor affecting its content in the atmosphere is the air temperature at which the evaporation of water and the amount of precipitation occur. Logically, the more the air temperature increases, the more water vapor will be in the atmosphere.

In addition to water vapor, we include greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and freons. Greenhouse gases may arise from natural sources (eg, breathing of living organisms, putrefaction, volcanic activity, etc.) and from anthropogenic sources, i. human activity (eg burning fossil fuels, cement production as a result of deforestation, biomass combustion, etc.).

However, greenhouse gases can also be removed from the atmosphere, for example by moving them to higher levels of the atmosphere, storing them on the Earth‘s surface or into the ocean, but also by chemical transformation.