Task 1: What do you eat?


The activity includes five tasks (see the worksheet below) that lead pupils to think about what they have for their snack, if it‘s healthy, if they eat enough fruit and vegetables. Some of the tasks are designed so that pupils compare with each other in class who eats what and how it could be improved. It is important to create a friendly, supportive atmosphere in the classroom so that pupils do not feel at unease when comparing, but above all the activity should motivate them to think about a healthy diet and the way they and their family eat.

In order to complete the tasks in the worksheet, the teacher should prepare pupils by familiarizing them with the basic rules of a healthy diet, analysing different types of food and explaining their role in human nutrition.

Task A:

This task is in the form of a short questionnaire. The goal is to start a discussion in class and get pupils to think about when and what they eat.

Task B:

This is a playful and creative task. The emphasis is placed on the importance and form of a healthy breakfast.

Task C:

This task is again focused on breakfast. Pupils should choose foods that are suitable for breakfast from the pictures so that they have enough energy up to the school snack.

Task D and E:

One of the dishes that pupils eat at school, but they usually bring it from home, is a snack. Pupils will think about their snacks and whether they can be improved in any way. It is also important for pupils to realise what they like eating and whether it is healthy