Task 3


Materials and tools for a working group:

button, coin, key, plastic spoon, magnet 

In the third task, the teacher leads the pupils to choose one of the proposed procedures in the group and to wonder if the method could also be used to move other objects. In Table 3, pupils also have specific objects: a button, a coin, a key and a plastic spoon. Pupils also need to justify their answer, as the teacher learns how pupils think about this situation. The pupils present their justifications. One of the analyzed situations will also be the movement of the paper clip by the magnet. In this situation, the teacher points out to try to question the reasoning of the pupils whether or not the objects can be moved by a magnet. In this way, they prepare the situation for further investigation of how the magnets affect objects.

Finally, the teacher generalizes the facts and emphasizes that sometimes we can influence the objects without touching them directly. One such case is the action of the magnet on the closure and suggests that the magnet be examined for the objects.